Parent Resources

Below is a list of downloadable resources available to parents. These are articles and studies I have gathered throughout the years of study.

504 Accomodation Checklist

Summary: If you have a child that does not qualify for special education under IDEA but has a mental or physical impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities, including learning, that child may qualify for special help in a regular classroom setting under section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.Download

A Pragmatic Parent's Guide to Behavior Therapy

Summary: ADHD experts agree that the most effective pediatric treatment plan includes medication paired with behavior therapy. But what, exactly, does that entail? And how can parents ensure success? Visit Website

Twice-exceptional students: Who they are and what they need

Summary: Do you know a student who demonstrates a dramatic strength in some area of learning, but who also clearly shows one or more equally dramatic learning weaknesses in other subjects or courses? Visit Website

The ADHD Homework System We Swear By

Summary: Homework stress is real — and exhausting for parents and students alike. Spare your family the drama and fights by following this homework system designed for children with ADHD and learning disabilities. Visit Website

ADHDers Are Wired Differently

Summary: The more we "see" the ADHD brain with neuroimaging, the more we understand how it works. Over the next eight pages, learn about the latest discoveries about the ADHD brain. Download Document

A Comparison of ADA, IDEA, and Section 504

Summary: The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 represent three attempts to improve the living conditions of those with disabilities. Visit this Web resource

How Do We Know the Medication is Working?

Summary: ADHD medication isn't always a magic bullet, and sometimes it just doesn't work for certain individuals. Experimentation can get frustrating fast when a med isn't working the way you'd hoped. Download this resource

Establishing a Positive Parent-Teacher Relationship

Summary: I recently received an email of a cartoon depicting parent-teacher conferences. The cartoon was divided into two scenes, one labeled "then" and the other labeled "now." Download this resource

IEP vs. 504 Plan/ What's the Difference? | Special Education Law

Summary: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque rhoncus in augue a placerat. Vivamus rhoncus sed purus ac dapibus. Vestibulum rhoncus cursus urna, a sodales massa molestie eu. Praesent rutrum sapien tellus, accumsan placerat lacus accumsan sed. Suspendisse porttitor leo nisi, non tempor lectus sagittis vitae. Sed nec rhoncus purus, et aliquet risus. Integer fringilla libero vitae massa consequat pretium. Visit Website

Is it Anxiety or ADHD?

Summary: Analyzing a child's symptoms to make a correct diagnosis isn't always easy. About half of all children with attention deficit disorder (ADHD) also have a learning disability, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anger-control difficulties, a motortic disorder, bipolar disorder, or an anxiety disorder. Download article

Parenting That Works

Summary: search for parenting books on, and you get tens of thousands of titles, Ieaving new parents awash in a sea'of often conflicting information. But thanks to the accumulated results of decades of empirical research, psychologists know more than ever before about what successfirl parenting really is. Download this article

Parent-Teacher Conferences - 5 Questions To Ask

Summary: Poor work habits can often go overlooked by parents. For that reason, it is important for you to inquire about your child's habits.Download this article

Picking Professionals

Summary: In a perfect world, you would rely on an erudite and sensitive team of experts who would come to your child without preconceptions and take the time to get to know him. Download this article

Electronics Dominate Children: What Ever Happened to Personal Interaction with Youngsters?

Summary: You've seen them; they are all around us. Robot kids, texting on their cell phones or hunched over their computers, oblivious to the world around them. Download article

Secrets of ADHD Treatment

Summary: Life is hard for a person with an ADHD-style nervous system. He is over-aroused and disorganized most of the time, yet he has to live with and enjoy neurorypical people in a neuroqpical world.. Download this article

The Concept of ADHD is Changing. How Does This Impact On You or Your Child?

Summary: The concept of inattention, one of the three behaviors found with ADHD, is changing. And, with this change, the explanation of what is ADHD is expanding. The understanding of inattention has shifted from the inability to stay on task to a broader concept called Executive Function Disorder (EFD).. Download this article

The Beauty of Being LD

Summary: You cannot begin to advocate for your child with a learning disability (LD), until you recognize how you define him. Download

Special Education: A Basic Guide for Parents

Summary: Parents are the most important people in a child's education. While teachers and even schools can change from year to year, parents are the constant connection between children and learning, both at home and atschool.Download this article

Targeting Home-School Collaboration for Students with ADHD

Summary: "One key to my child's success in school and at home is the consistency that his teacher and I have through regular communication," comments Carol, the parent of Mark, an active fourthgrade boy with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Download this article

Twice-exceptional students: Who they are and what they need

Summary: Do you know a student who demonstrates a dramatic strength in some area of learning, but who also clearly shows one or more equally dramatic learning weaknesses in other subjects or courses? Read this article online

5 Ways Kids Use Working Memory to Learn

Summary: Have you ever gone to the store without a list, thinking you'll remember everything you need…but discovered when you got home that you forgot several items? If so, you've experienced the limitations of working memory. Visit the website to download

Board Certified Behavior Analyst & Learning Specialist